4 ways to to more comfortable injections

It happened again. It's happened more times than I can count. I took my son to the doctor's office for a shot, and everything was fine until that needle came out - that's when the screaming started. Although it assured me of my son's healthy lungs, this is a scenario I can live without.
Trypanophobia, aka Needle fear, affects most kids, 20 to 50% of adolescents, and 20 to 30% of young adults. More females have a phobia of needles than males.
Recent years have seen attempts to decrease injection pain through various gadgets. Here, we go over 4 methods to decrease needle pain, and their pros and cons.
NOODLE® : This new product is priced between $99.95 and $124.99. It truly numbs the skin for a short period of time, up to a minute, making it effective for self-injectors. It also comes with an LED countdown and beeps when it is finished. It does not require a freezer and comes with a carrying case
Coolant Sprays: There are many coolant sprays available on the market. They are generally made of a chemical with a low boiling point that evaporates upon contact with the skin, cooling the skin as it dries. Pros: They are easy to use and generally inexpensive. Cons: In order to avoid frostbite, the coolants do not freeze the skin, which means the user will still feel the injection pain
Buzzy® : This gadget includes a vibrating bee and a pack of liquid or gel that must be placed in a freezer before use. The bee is placed near the injection site along with the ice pack to distract the recipient and reduce pain perception. Pros: It is one of the first products on the market and is priced between $44.95 and $199. Cons: It requires a nearby freezer and is not ideal for self-injectors
Shot Blocker® : A flexible plastic plate with rubbery pins, placed on the injection site before the needle is inserted. Pros: It is less expensive than Buzzy, with prices ranging from $7.79 to $97, and does not require freezing. Cons: It works by distracting the recipient and is not ideal for self-injectors.
Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to help manage needle phobia. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective treatments for this condition. CBT can help patients identify and address the negative thoughts and beliefs associated with their fear of needles. In addition to CBT, exposure therapy can also be used to desensitize patients to the fear of needles. Other methods include self-injection devices and numbing creams, which can help alleviate pain associated with injections. It's important to note that if you're considering selfinjections for weight loss or any other condition, it's best to consult with a medical professional to discuss the best option for you.
In addition to seeking professional help, there are several things you can do to manage needle phobia on your own. Some people find that breathing exercises or meditation can help them relax before an injection. Others find that distraction techniques such as listening to music or engaging in conversation can help reduce anxiety. It's also important to remember that needle phobia is a common condition, and you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you manage this condition, such as support groups and online forums. With the right treatment and support, you can learn to manage your fear of needles and live a more fulfilling life.